The First Notes (2021/05/23~27)

Main idea: I want to make a game where players [open boxes], that evokes feelings of [being a cat]

Selected ideas are bolded

[ Story ]

Ben’s Idea

  • Singleplayer
  • Combat-puzzle TTRPG
  • Player will accumulate different cats that come with abilities/tools
    • A player will be represented by a token
  • Each ability has to be mastered to accomplish an end goal
    • Each ability will be unlocked
    • Each ability is gained through levels
    • Each level introduces a different tool/ability
    • Each tool/ability comes on a card with a description
    • Each tool has a limited amount of uses
    • The player can have up to 4 NPCs
  • The final level will require the player to use all their accumulated abilities
    • The Final ‘boss’ will be the box that needs to be opened
  • Each level will be a ‘region’ or a room
    • Each region has an NPC cat representative of the region
    • Will be on a map
    • The player moves through the map by rolling dice
  • Card deck
    • NPC and obstacles mixed into the deck
    • As the player moves through the map/grid, they pull out a card
      • A card could either be an obstacle, or an NPC
      • Once the NPC is pulled, the level is over
  • The final boss is the main objective, but the actual focus is on the journey it takes to get to the ‘boss’
  • Obstacles can be anything (a house rat, cockroach)
  • No narrator


Sumin’s Idea

  • Multiplayer
  • Storybuilding
    • Players can determine the mood of the game
    • There will be a narrator to determine the story
  • Players move through a map
  • Everyone rolls a die and moves according to the number
  • Players who encounter the obstacle pulls a card from the obstacle deck to decide what the obstacle is
  • They then pull a card from a question deck
    • Players take turns answering the question, which will determine how well they overcome the obstacle
  • Players roll a die to determine the effectiveness of the answer
    • Their specialties could also bring buffs or debuffs to the answer (roleplay component)
  • If the players on the obstacle spot cannot get through, the obstacle is then handed to the next player behind them
  • The next player rolls a die to move forward, then works on the obstacle
    • This player will have to answer the same question
    • This player will have an additional buff going into the obstacle so that they have a faster/easier time passing through
    • If this player overcomes the obstacle, they will continue their remaining steps
  • If all players fail to answer the question, they will discuss together how to solve the question
    • They can then bring the suggestion to a narrator, and have a second chance to roll the die
  • Luck rolls*
  • By the end of the game, the map should look like a messy room
  • Mix question cards, which ask the player about the final box, within the scenario deck
  • When you pull out the Final-box-question-card from the deck, you don’t encounter any obstacle or event. You just need to answer the question regarding the final box.


Iris’ Idea

  • Could be multiplayer or single-player
  • 3 decks
  • One for player roles
      • Eg. a fat cat has more strength, a tall cat can jump higher places
      • Players do not have to draw from this deck and can choose which role they would like to play
    • One for prompts/scenarios
      • Eg. there is a cage to get out of, there is a ball of yarn you want to knock off the table
    • One for the tool/abilities to acquire
  • Players go around in a circle to draw from the scenario deck until reaching the final scenario, which is the box
    • Players roll a die to determine how effective their plan to overcome the scenario is
    • If the players fulfill the needed conditions, they acquire a tool from the 3rd deck
    • If they fail, the scenario is passed to the next player onwards until someone succeeds
    • The player who fulfills the conditions takes the card
  • Final scenario
    • Players take their accumulated tool cards, and roll the die to determine how effective the tool is in opening the box
  • Cat roles and the tools/abilities should encourage players to think of how to overcome scenarios in different ways
  • There could be a limit to how many tool cards a player can hold
    • Players can discard tools by using them to aid the player in a scenario (players can only use one card per scenario)
    • Players could also choose to put a card in the discard pile in favour of another newly acquired card


[ General ideas ]

  • Inventory
  • Various cat roles for the player to choose from
    • This deck is used prior to starting the game
    • The player can choose from any of the roles, or they can choose at random as well
    • Each role is different and should encourage the player to solve the puzzles the way that role would solve the puzzles
    • This also ensures that in future playthroughs, the player will have to come up with different solutions to solve the same scenarios
  • The player progresses through a grid (the map) and draws from the scenario deck
  • Each scenario has 3 prompts to use to overcome or solve the scenario
    • The player can use any of the 3, but they cannot use anything else
    • Eg. the player encounters a sleeping dog, the prompts are a table, a ball and a tube. the player then tries to use as many of the 3 they like to solve this scenario
    • The player must come up with a scenario, then roll a die to determine how effective their strategy will be


[ Mechanics ]

  • Puzzle game
  • Chaotic
  • singleplayer
  • The player can choose from various cat roles
  • Inventory
    • Limited inventory
  • Mapped out regions for the players to visualize the journey
  • 1 card deck for roles
  • 1 deck for inventory
  • 1 deck for obstacles/enemies
    • Roll die for whether or not the cat can overcome the obstacle
  • Luck rolls*
    • Roll 4 and above, you succeed and gain points
    • 3 and below you fail and lose points
    • if you get 6 you would succeed and get extra item 4 and above, you just success doing that 2-3 you fail to do that and 1 you would make a mess

[ undetermined ]

  • One room? Multiple rooms?
  • Paper layouts in grids
    • Each sheet is a room
    • Maybe different grid layouts for different rooms?
  • Each grid box we roll a die for placement of obstacles
  • Go through the grid in a certain pattern
  • Once you reach an obstacle you make a plan on how to go around it, roll a second die for how well you achieve it
  • Narrator?


- Cooperative

  • The Player states their plan to solve the obstacle, rolls a die to determine the effectiveness

- competitive

  • Point system?
  • Whoever has the most points by the end wins
  • Go around in a circle, every turn a player can use their points to sabotage another player or solve their obstacle


cat to the box 10 MB
Jun 02, 2021
Rules of Cat to the box.pdf 178 kB
Jun 02, 2021

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